Saturday, February 16, 2008

Week 3

Had a good week of exercise and surpassed my weekly goals by getting in 6 1/4 hours. My total weight stayed the same but my fat per centage came down a per cent. Feeling good and having no desire for sweets, salty snacks or a drink. I do need to watch my intake of crusty bread, even the good stuff whole grain.

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Week 2

Week Two I met my exercise goals with a little more 5.5 hours. Great! My weekly weigh in on Wednesday gave me a 2 pound weight loss. I have felt no desire for sweets or salty snacks. The desire for an occassional drink has past. I do need to cut back on eating whole wheat bread. It's become a snack. I also eat too much with dinner. I eating ETL with vegetables, fruit and beans.

I'm reading Tom Venuto's book Burn the Fat Feed the Muscle. I've written my goals which I post below. There's a lot of good stuff in Tom's book.

One point Tom has made it's hard to lose fat and at the same time gain muscle. There is usually some muscle loss with all weight loss.

1. Reach 36 inch waist
2. Lose 14 pounds of fat – [40 – 15 = 25]
3. Reach a weight of 160
4. Gain 3 pounds of muscle [132 + 3 =135]
5. Reach Body Fat 16%

The next 90 days [3 months] by May 1st I will have lost 15 pounds of fat and gained 3 pounds of muscle achieving a weight of 160 with a waist of 36”.

I will do this by doing at least 5 hours a week of exercise; 1.5 strength training and 3.5 cardio.
I will follow the Eat to Live healthy eating maintenance plan.
I will consume no alcohol!

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Week One Exercise Goals Met

I'm burning up the calories with my Gazelle. I hit the goal of 5 hours per week yesterday. Then and today I put in a hour on it. I've moved up my circuits to 2 on the bowflex.

Think I am overing missing a drink. Wanted a beer yesterday watching the VA VATech game. Was going to have a beer with Nachos matching the Super Bowl. But had Black Bean Soup with filtered water. I'm not feeling deprived.

Got the fat analyzer scale correctly calibrated. Says I'm 22%. Wednesday will be the official weigh in for the month of February.

Friday, February 1, 2008

Day One

Well it's not really day one. But it does feel like it. Gosh, I was up at 5:30. Walked the dog and then worked out on the Gazelle for a hour! Wow!

Today's Friday and really missed that end of the week drink. Wanted a glass of red wine, but oh well.

Weighed in at 171. That's a significant drop but really only a fluctuation. I got on my fat analyzer scale and it read 31%. That can't be right need to check the settings.

The wife cautioned me the weight is not the test - use the mirror. She is right again. The mirror does say lose weight!

Thursday, January 31, 2008

On the Wagon!

Wow. What’s happened since the last entry recorded 11/17th. How about gaining 7 pounds and an inch on the waist!

Winter is the worse time for me for gaining weight. The next two months can be my most dangerous. It was last year. So, here goes. I’m back on the Eat to Live dietary health style. This will include no alcohol. My goals are a 36” waist and lose 15 pounds. My time frame is In three months – May 1st.

I have to follow my exercise regimen if I am going to do this. I have to get up earlier and use the Gazelle for 30’ a day. My goal is 6 days a week. So that’s 3 hours cardio. Working out on the Bow flex three times a week for makes total exercise up to 4.5 hours a week. Let’s make that at least 5 hours a week of exercise.

Okay ready, set GO!

Saturday, November 17, 2007


I've finished my second week of reaching my exercise goals. I've got my strength training in 3x week. My cardio each week has been four hours. There was one day I missed walking this week, but made up the minutes.

I'm using my Tony Little Gazalle for the cardio. It's been great to be on and watch TV and not be outside in the cold. My weigh in weight this week was 169 which is within the target range.

This week I reached a milestone by following the Eat to Live lifestyle for six months!

Monday, November 12, 2007


Here are my winter exercise goals:
Cardio 30 minutes a day to total 3.5
Strength Training 30 minutes for 3x a week total 1.5
Total exercise 5 hours.

My weight goal is to maintain a range of 172 – 167. I am not stressing about losing weight just maintaining what I lost. Exercising and eating properly. Yes, I would like to get to a 36 inch waist and get down to 159. But if I’ve not been able to do it these last 4 months, it's very unlikely to happen during the winter.

Thursday, October 11, 2007


The last two days, I've held to the three squares and ate appropriately. Weighed in this morning at 166.5. That was a big swing. So I expect it may bounce up the next few days even holding to the eating plan.

Got my 30 minute walk in this evening, plus a strength training on the Bowfex.


Saturday, October 6, 2007


September was another month of backsliding. I weighed in at at the end of the month at 170, a 3 pound gain. I eating nutritionally but adding some unhealthy eating. Fortunately, I am maintaining my walking program. I stopped strength training due to a shoulder cramp.

My goal for October is get back to basics, avoid snacking, impulse eating, and maintaining my exercise program. I shooting for weighing in at the end of the month at 165.

Monday, September 3, 2007

3 Week Backslide

I gained 2 pounds in August, ARGHHH!!!!!!! My 12 week goal looks unlikely. I only have 9 weeks left. I’m keeping that 11/1 goal. Okay, I need to get back to basics on my ETL eating plan. I am looking at 12 weeks before my 57th birthday. My next goal is 158 that will put me at a BMI of 22 at 11/21. I want to burn the fat and build muscle. I need to concentrate on my weight training by increasing the resistance. I am also increasing my cardio and shooting for 6 hours of exercise per week.