Friday, December 31, 2010

I finish 2010 at 171.5, yeah! Seventeen and ½ pounds lost since 12/7. Le's not forget the 2” off the waist. Thanks, Dr. Fuhrman!

Didn’t get the exercise in, yesterday. Where did the day, go?

Yesterday, I had my power smoothie for lunch. Wasn’t hungry at dinner time which was time to go WM. At my eight o’clock break ate an Asian pear. Stayed up late to watch a flick and ate some pistachios.

Breakfast: Steel cut oatmeal with dried fruit, walnuts & fresh blueberries & ½ grapefruit

Weight- 171.5

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Yesterday, I ate my second meal at 3 PM; a green smoothie. That was it. Weighed in today at 171.5, a 1 ½ pound loss. Did 30’ on the Gazelle. Today, I want to do a 60’ walk and work out on the Bowflex.

Here is my path to reaching my 12 week goal weight of 165.

1. Need to become more consistent in my aerobic exercising (Gazelle/walking) and start strength training (Bowflex). I will document my exercise.
2. I will be more attuned to my ‘hunger’ not eating just when its meal time, but skipping a meal if I am not experiencing ‘true hunger’.
3. I will keep dried fruit out of the house. It’s too much a temptation to snack on. (Exception; raisins only for oatmeal.)
4. One allowable celebration of single malt whisky on 1/29 for toasts at the Robert Burns Night.

Last night after working my 2nd job I did my shopping. Fault the temptation to get a bottle of champagne for New Year’s. I wanted to get a crusty loaf of French bread. I managed to keep it all out of basket.

Breakfast: Steel cut oatmeal; walnuts raisins, blackberries & ½ grapefruit.

Weight 171.5

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

End of 7 Weeks Results

Gained ½ pound this week too much Christmas feasting. A David and Harry gift box got delivered to the house. Apples and pears, but other forbidden fruits. Gained 2 pounds over 3 days but got rid of 1 ½ pounds the last two days. Back on the wagon. I have 9 pounds to loss in the next 5 weeks to make my 12 week goal. This is doable.

Need to become more consistent in my aerobic exercising and start strength training.

The last few days I’ve been exploring some more healthy eating websites:
Neil Bernard, MD founder of Physicians for Responsible Medicine. He advocates a vegan diet. I’ve signed up for the 21 Day Vegan Kick Start. Purchased his latest cookbook. I’m adding him to my list of Favorite Health Links.

John McDougall, MD another vegan but with an emphasis on starchy food. Be sure to check out his video on this subject. I’m adding him to my Favorite Health Links.

Hallelujah Acres founder by Rev. George Malkmus. A vegan diet that claims to follow the Biblical pattern found in Genesis 1:29;

Then God said, "I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food.

I signed up with their 60 Day Challenge Reclaiming Your Health. There is a strong emphasis with them to use their products; barley malt, etc. I am not adding them to my Favorite Health Links. I’ll be open minded to do so as I take their Challenge.

Weight 173.0

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Yesterday, in listening to Dr. Fuhrman's past teleconferences the importance in not eating when not hungry was important to here. I lost some of the weight I gained. Tomorrow is 7th week weigh in.

Breakfast: 1/2 grapefruit, oatmeal with blackberries
Lunch: Green smoothie w/ pear & 1/2 of avocado

Weight: 173.0

Monday, December 27, 2010

10:30: I listened to Dr. Fuhrman’s teleconference on Fasting/Calorie Restriction/Life Extension. He maintains if total calories are the same the one who eat them in larger but fewer meals receives more of a benefit then smaller frequent meals. He also stresses that you eat only when hungry. He maintains three meals a day and no snacking. But it is good not to eat a meal when no hungry. He says you feel hungry in the throat and not in the stomach. The stomach hunger is actually food addiction withdrawal.

I did not eat breakfast as I was not hungry. Off work today, so I am going to wait till I feel hunger in the throat. I was contemplating an 24 hour fast but think I will hold off from that. He stresses we need to eat healthy and not fast to compensate from poor eating. Exactly what I’ve been doing the last three days. Fasting is good if eating healthy.

19:17: I have yet to experience ‘hunger’ today, so have not eaten. Now mind you, I have thought of eating. I have been drinking various teas. Looks like I going the whole nine yards for today.

19:44-Well, not experiencing hunger, but feeling very cold, I decided to eat. Leftovers; cauliflower with spinach, and cooked collards. Feeling better.

Weight: 174.5

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Ho, Ho, Ho; to much Christmas cheer!

Since Christmas Eve, I've indulged in non ETL food. Cheese and crackers from the David & Harry gift box. A bottle of Scuppernog wine, chocolate covered cherries, a couple of bottles of beer and some nachoes! I'm up two pounds! Okay, that was fun and I'm back on the wagon!!!Used Sharon's Jack Lalanne Power Jucier this morning for the first time. Apples, carrots, celery and grapes were juiced; yum! Saved the pulp for a Green smoothie or to put in soup.

The evening disaster; Guinness, garden burger & whole wheat round, nachos with salsa, couple of chocolate pieces and a whisky night cap.
Enjoyable but not ETL.

Weight: 174.5

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Six Weeks Results

Sixteen ½ pounds and 2” off waist lost! Yeah!

Weight 172 ½, Chest-40, Waist-39, Hips-39

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Week 5 Results

15 pounds lost! One inch of chest, inch & ½ of waist, 2 inches of hips!

Weight: 174

Breakfast: Steel cut oatmeal with dried fruit, walnuts & fresh blackberries
Lunch: Smoothie; banana, orange, apple, ½ avocado, carrot, ½ cup of vegetable juice, ½ cup almond milk, splash of acaig, mustard greens
Dinner: Lentil, veggie, rice soup
Bad snack attack as preparing the kids and mine dinner; almonds, walsa crackers,

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

New Milestone!

Lost 15 pounds on one day shy 5 weeks!

Breakfast: Steel cut oatmeal with dried fruit, walnuts & fresh blackberries

Weight: 174

Monday, December 13, 2010

Breakfast: Steel cut oatmeal with dried fruit, walnuts & fresh blackberries
Lunch: Pea soup, grapes, walsea crackers with hummus
Dinner: Beans & greens, almonds, grapes

Feeling good. Sleep late. No exercise.

Weight: 175.5

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Breakfast: Oatmeal with dried fruit & Walnut.
Lunch: Salad, pea soup, tangerine, almonds
Dinner: Steamed green beans, wild rice, grilled summer squash and onions. Dried fruit.

No exercise – long day at Wally World. I’m bushed!

Weight: 175.5

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Cooked greens in a slow cooker. Cooked up dried black beans. A good dinner. Baked a butternut squash for later.

Worked in the Yard for three hours getting up the leaves.
Lunch: Grapefruit

Boy was it good to get some extra ZZZZs this morning!
Breakfast: Peppers, onion, mushrooms with egg beater, slice of whole wheat toast, tea [10:52]

Weight: 175.5

Friday, December 10, 2010

I was really touched by one of the members of the community that I manage, today. In past Christmas times she would give me a box of homemade cookies. Today, she gave me my Christmas gift, a large basket of fruit! She said we think the world of you and want you to succeed in your new diet lifestyle! What support!

Breakfast: Quick Oatmeal w/flax, walnuts, & dried cranberries

Lunch: Vegetable Soup, baked apple slices, walnuts, raisins

Dinner: Spit peas soup, almonds (10), dates (3)

30’ on Gazelle

Weight: 175.5
Woohoo a 1½ pound drop from yesterday!

Thursday, December 9, 2010

I will try to be more active in my posting. I feel challenged to make the 13 pounds in the remaining two months. If I can manage a 2 pounds loss a week that would be 16 pounds, more than enough to reach the 25 pound loss goal. Okay, I can do this.

Breakfast: Quick Oatmeal w/flax, walnuts, blackberries, Kiwi fruit, almond milk. Tea
Lunch: banana [work demands]
Dinner: Beans & greens, baked apple, walnuts, parsnip, raisins

No snack! No Cass

30’ on Gazelle

Weight: 177.0

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

One Month

Drum roll, please! In the first month (4 weeks) I’ve lost 12 pounds and an inch all around! For someone who considered a 5 pound loss in a month great this is superb. No, it doesn’t match my first ETL go in 2007, but that included a day of fasting and 6 to 7 hours of walking.

I am pleased. Press on; 13 pounds in 8 weeks to go.

Weigh-in: 177.0
Chest-40” Waist-40” Hips-40”

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Week 3 Results

I’ve lost 11 ½ pounds! An inch off the waist, to date.