Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Bump in the Road - Day 14

Yesterday, I was very tired from a lack of sleep the night before. I ate watermelon near my bed time. Yep, I was up three times going to the bathroom. I did make it out for my one hour walk before work. By late morning I felt both physically and emotionally drained and didn't feel wise to begin my weekly fast. I worked my second job that evening and couldn't wait to get off to go home to go to bed. That's what I did!

Today, after a decent sleep I'm feeling better. I am not at my high energy level I've been experiencing. The last two mornings my weight is up two pounds. Today is my 2nd week on the E2L diet and with today's weight of 182 have lost 8 pounds. I see the change in my gut and chest. My pants fit so much better.

The last two days I've eaten whole wheat buns with Boca burgers. That's cheating for the first 6 weeks. I will concentrate in eating salads for both lunch and dinner.

Monday, May 28, 2007

Mile Stone 10 LBS Lost - Day 12

Weighed in this morning at 180; ten pounds lost in twelve days! Up early this Memorial Day and had a hour brisk walk. My wife and I enjoyed our Memorial Day picnic - a Boca burger!

Did my first work out on the Bowflex.

Sunday, May 27, 2007

Sleepless Night - Day 11

I woke up at 2:30 AM and after lying awake for a hour - got up. Caught up on some reading, etc., and at 5 AM went for a hour walk.

This week I hope to intensify exercising and now have a Bowflex set-up. As I lose the fat I want to add the muscle.

Today was a long day with so little sleep. When I returned home in the afternoon from work I crashed for a hour.

On yeah, weight was up 1 1/2 pounds from yesterday. I had maintained diet.

Saturday, May 26, 2007

Changes in Attitudes - DAY 10

Today, my wife asked who are you? With my increased energy, I'm doing more chores around the house. My increased sense of well being is being seen by her as being more considerate and less moody.

Up half a pound today. I walked for an hour this morning before starting my Saturday chores and projects.

Friday, May 25, 2007


I was expecting the scale to be up this morning, since yesterday I ate three meals. The prior two days had times of fasting. But the scale showed a decrease of a half a pound!

My energy level remains high as well as my sense of well being. Anyone who suffers from depression should follow the Eat to Live diet.

Got a 45 minute walk in this morning before going to work. Worked in the yard and washed my car this evening.

Thursday, May 24, 2007


Yesterday's fast was the easiest I've ever had. No food addictions to withdraw from. Last week's fast was a killer. I did have minor headaches upon awaking in the morning for three days afterwards.

Weighed in at 181, a nine pound to date loss. Since I ate three meals today, I expect tomorrow, I'll weigh in above this weight.

The energy and well being feeling continue. Up again early to get in a 45 minute walk. I was able to get 15 minutes on my bike so I have an hour cardio.

This evening I started working out. I did the 20 minute You on a Diet program

Wednesday, May 23, 2007


I've finished week one of the six week plan. Boy, do I feel great! Even fasting I went for an hour walk before work. I even rode my bike during my lunch time.
Weighed in at 183 for a 7 pound loss for the week.

Several co-workers and my sister are excited about my journey and are planning to buy the book.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007


For the last three days my weight has been consistant - no loss. Not particular worried about it. This happens. There was a big drop in starting the diet. I begin my 24 hour fast this afternoon (3 PM) through tomorrow (3 PM). Last week, on my fast I went up a pound!

I woke early this morning and was able to go for a 45 minute walk before leaving for work. GREAT! Tuesdays and Wednesdays evenings I work my second job at Wal-Mart so its a busy and long day and hard to find time for exercising. So getting up early for the walk was super.

Monday, May 21, 2007


I've noticed I have an euphoric feeling on this eating plan. More energy and desire to do things. I've always been known to be a grump until I get my coffee fix. I feel great in the mornings, and don't have the feeling/attitude don't bother me to I get my java. Let's see if my wife, Sharon picks up on it. [No change today from yesterday's weigh-in.]

I'm resuming my exercise program. First back to cardio; walking & biking. My weekly goal is 3 - 5 hours. I work Sundays and usually come home tired. I did manage a 45 minute walk. I also ordered some fitness, weight training and stretching geared to the 50 & older adult. For weight training I plan 20 minutes a day three times a week.

Today, I road my bike for 15 minutes and cut the grass for 45.

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Eat to Live Diet Journey

This is my record of following the recommendations of Dr. Joel Fuhrman in eating a high plant diet that he recommends in his book EAT TO LIVE.

This posting is day four of the Eat to Live (E2L) diet. I jumped started the plan with fasting (water only) the first day. I knew the caffine headaches would hit as I experience them in every fast I do. They came later than usual that evening.

My two biggest weaknesses; sweets and salty snaacks (baked Cheetos my favorite) have not been a temptation. I would say eating on the diet is going well. I am the main cook and I knew my wife, tonight desired perogies. I fixed them with a lot of vegetables in a tomato sauce. Yes, I faltered eating some. Confession is good for the soul.

As of today, the weight is down five pounds! Not bad of five days. No, change in the waist measurement.