Re-read this blog last night. My goodness on May 20th it will be five years I have been posting about my ETL experience. Some things stand out. I am on a roller coaster. My love affair with CASS which is a result of emotional eating from stress.
I really need to deal with that.
I think maintaining ETL will be much easier if I totally give up drinking alcohol. I do enjoy my drink. It is a stress release for me. I enjoy the social aspects of it. Not drinking would have an impact on my social life. Wow! That says something doesn't it? Okay, limit my drinking to a social occassion and one drink. You know, I think it just would be easier to quit, altogether.
Made a batch of steel cut oats.
Breakfast: Oatmeal, 1/2 grapefruit
Worked at the day job, this Saturday. Took my lunch to work which was steamed veggies and rice. Had an apple.
Tried a new receipe for dinner which was steamed bok choy with orange-agave sauce. Ate a serving of raw almonds and black beans and rice. Ate the last two of almond date banana 'cookies'.
Weighed in at 181