Friday, February 25, 2011

The Next Level

It’s time to get serious, again. I am moving to the next level. In 3 weeks I’ve been on a plateau. I was pursuing the web page "How to Eat” and some things hit me.
1. I need to give up alcohol
2. I need to give up caffeine; in my case caffeinated tea
3. I need to give up snacking; eat 3 meals only
4. I need to give up bread and cracker; even though its whole grain its keeping me from filling up on veggies/fruit

The Plan:
1. I’m going cold turkey on the alcohol. I will have it socially out with the buds, but not a home or going out on my own, period.
2. I’m weaning myself off the caffeinated tea. My first week I will allow myself one cup of caffeinated tea in the AM and one caffeinated green tea in the PM. I can have decaf at other times. The second week, I’ll cut out the caffeinated PM Green tea. The third week the caffeinated AM tea.
3. Eat only three meals, if hungry!
4. I have found unsalted nut and non-sugared dry fruit on my field trip to Springfield and finding a Trader Joes. Get rid of the other stuff.
5. Give up the ‘healthy’ whole wheat bread and crackers.
6. Need to exercise, yeah how many times have I said that.

Dr. Fuhrman’s Ideal weight for my height - 160. That will give me a BMI of 22. and hopefully the waist of 36”.

Get ready set, GO!

Weight 169.5

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Wow! ETL to the Rescue to lower Triglycerides

In November I had my annual physical (it’s been three year, actually). The Nurse Practitioner Dianne reviewed my lab report and said my cholesterol was too high, 237, Triglycerides were 416 which put my pancreas at risk and my LDL could not be computed because of the high triglycerides. I’m writing you an order for Tricor, she said.I said, I’m not taking it. Give me six months and through nutritional eating and exercising, I’ll get accepted levels. Although I am not in compliance to his advice I know of Dr. Joel Fuhrman who maintains that through a diet consisting of plant food; fruits and vegetables you can achieve excellent cholesterol results. With a skeptical look, she replied, I give you three months and I want you to get your lab work done the first of February.

My three months were up and I went in for my lab work. In the three months, I weighed in for a 22 pound loss and three inches of the waist. I got a telephone call with the results of my Triglycerides reading; 141 an acceptable level, three months ago, it was 416.
When the tech gave the number, I said, wow. She said that’s what the Doc said, wow. She said, the Doc says thanks for the Dr. Fuhrman’s book, Cholesterol Protection for Life, which I dropped off for when he I came in my blood test. Definitely a Success Story. So this is a way of life time eating, now. I want to get to my optimal weight of 160, 7 pounds away and trim off another 2 inches of the waist. The doc wants me back in 6 months. Woohoo, success!

Cholesterol, total 237 > 160
Triglycerides 416 > 141
LDL *** > 96
HDL 38 > 36

*** couldn’t be calculated because of high level of triglycerides

Kale – A Scottish soul food?

Growing up in the south (USA) greens was a mainstay of my diet. But until today, I didn’t realize that kale was a Scottish soul food, too!

Friday, February 4, 2011

My Three Months are up!

Wednesday, was my 3 months on ETL and the end of the time to have my blood checked. I weighed in for a 22 pound loss and three inches of the waist. Today, I got a telephone call with the results of my Triglycerides reading; 141! Three months ago, it was 416. Don’t yet know the other lipid readings. The med assistant was to fax them to me, but didn’t get them.

When the tech told me the number, I said, wow. She said that’s what the Doc said, wow and thanks for Dr. Fuhrman’s book, Cholesterol Protection for Life. Definitely a Success Story.

So this is a way of life time eating, now. I want to get to my optimal weight of 160; 7 pounds away and trim off another 2 inches of the waist. The doc wants me back in 6 months. Success!

Weight 167.0